Monday, September 6, 2010

6 or 7 weeks to go!!!

My friend Melissa did this survey a few times during her pregnancy and I thought it would be fun to include on our blog as well. So crazy that we're getting so close to meeting Mini!

How far along?
34 weeks tomorrow. 44 days until Mini Manz's due date.

Total weight gain/loss: As of this weekend I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So i lost about 17 pounds in the first few months from being sick a lot and have now gained that back.

How big is baby? Supposedly, he's around 4.75 pounds and about 18 inches long.

Maternity clothes? Definitely needed for the belly... Although i've been surprised to still fit in a couple of pants that were particularly big before getting pregnant.

Stretch marks? Nope- not yet.

Sleep: Getting up multiple times during the night. Definitely loving the nap times in the afternoon!

Best moment this week: Having a four day weekend to spend time with my parents and sleep!

Movement: A lot more now. Most of the day, i would say.

Food cravings: Not really.

Gender: Definitely a boy.

Labor Signs: I think there have been Braxton Hicks, but nothing even close to real labor signs.

Belly Button in or out? In...but barely.

What I am looking forward to: Next weekend we get to finally tour the hospital where we'll be delivering. Definitely curious! And we'll get to meet together with our doula, Kristen.

Weekly Wisdom: Typically is coming from facebook.... seems like i now pay attention to other mamas getting advice! This week a friend got mastitis... i *really* hope that I don't get that!

Milestones: We completed a birth class and I'm starting to train Jill, my replacement at work while i'm gone.

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