Saturday, January 24, 2009

frying the turkey

For over a year Jonathan has talked about getting a turkey fryer. I was completely against it... i can't say that i'm the biggest fan of fried foods and though I had always heard good things, the idea of the turkey exploding seemed to be fresh in my mind after watching youtube. So of course jonathan brought back a turkey fryer from one of his trips to a walmart in an isolated CO town. Apparently there was a great deal going on. We were already planning on going to our friends' house for Thanksgiving and this would be the perfect opportunity. And with us frying the turkey at someone else's house, we wouldn't have to worry about *our* backyard catching on fire. How nice of us =) So on Thanksgiving this year we went to the Nelsons' and ended up having a wonderful time frying the turkey, frying potato chips and spending the day with dear friends. What a blessing to have such a wonderful community in Boulder. And there were no mishaps with the fryer so we might have to break it out again next year.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog Marcia. Glad to see you have learned to live with the "turkey fryer". I saw my first one a few years back in Tammy's home town.

    Look forward to seeing you and Jonathan soon! 7 more weeks!!

