Since both of our families our still in NC, we always get to visit everyone at once! In early June, we drove out for a week and a half visit. Of course, Jonathan loves to drive so we took the Superbee and got to his parents' house in Murphy in a little over 24 hours. Check out the view!
Jonathan's dad...
After a great few days, including a family reunion at "the old homeplace" in Tennessee, seeing Jonathan's brother, Tim, and riding on a mini-train in an older gentleman's backyard, we headed to Charlotte to see friends. We always love to see my friend Gabby, who now has a sweet little girl named Jaclyn!
We then went to Greensboro to see my parents and my Aunt Emily. We took a trip to the mattress store to buy new mattresses! Does not happen very often in my family! Aunt Emily was testing them out:
Lots of fun times back at the house with all the dogs around! Here is my aunt with Dallas and George W. Yes, that is their names =)
My mom with their dog, Dixie. (Do you sense a trend that we are in the South?)
We did get a visit in with my friend Katie who I worked with at QLC and went to college with...
And then it was back to Murphy, and then back to NC. Such a fun trip seeing family and friends.
Looks like you had a lot of fun - I can't wait to catch up with you!